Q. What are the pay rules for attending a function for part time employees on a non-work day?
A. Unless you have something in a contract, policy or enterprise agreement that says otherwise (which is unlikely) generally if an event is recreational, optional and outside of ordinary work hours employees (including part-timers) are not entitled to pay to attend the functions.
For a part-timer, if the individual was working on that day anyway they would receive the normal remuneration for that day but wouldn’t be entitled to anything additional to attend this kind of optional out of hours function.
If the function is non-optional, the part-time employee would be entitled to be paid to attend, or to take the time off in lieu (perhaps swapping with another day they would normally work, with enough notice being given to allow them to make additional arrangements).
If the employee is required to attend the function on a non-working day, overtime may be payable, according to the employee’s award, or enterprise agreement.
Contact ABLA on 1300 565 846 or info@ablawyers.com.au if you have any questions raised in this article.