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WHS: When accidents happen

WHS: When accidents happen

What should you do when an accident happens in the workplace?

Every business has a legal obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace, regardless of industry. Despite best efforts, accidents still happen. What happens next can be a crucial factor in the outcome for all concerned.

Do you have the right policies and procedures in place so your team knows what to do if an accident or incident occurs?  Are you up-to-date with the latest legislation changes that now carry severe fines and prosecutions?

ABLA will help you put the right procedures in place to help protect yourself, your workers and your business in this webinar.

This webinar covers:

  • Immediate response – what NOT to do
  • Investigation planning
  • Best practice investigation process
  • Outcomes and learnings
  • Investigating an accident the right way, the first time, is key to preventing future incidents.

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Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors (ABLA) (ACN 146 318 783) is the Trustee of Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors Trust (ABN 76 008 556 595). Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.  Legal practitioners employed by or directors of Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors Pty Limited are members of the scheme.

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