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Techniques for Conducting Workplace Investigations in Sexual Harassment Cases

Techniques for Conducting Workplace Investigations in Sexual Harassment Cases

Techniques for Conducting Workplace Investigations in Sexual Harassment Cases
23 Apr 2024

Techniques for Conducting Workplace Investigations in Sexual Harassment Cases

Date of live session: Tuesday 14 May

With the new positive duty now enforceable, there has never been a better time to re-evaluate your company's procedures regarding investigations into sexual harassment cases.

This insightful session presented by Julian Arndt and Alana Rafter looks at the latest cases on the issue and offer techniques for conducting such investigations.

Led by industry experts, this session covers how to create an effective response system to reports, focusing on:

  • Good Practice Reporting Framework - What constitutes an appropriate response, and how can you create viable options for your employees to report incidents?
  • Reporting Avenues – The variety of reporting options that should be available to employees.
  • Resolution Pathways - Guidance on implementing good practice principles for resolution pathways.
  • Outcomes and Consequences – The importance of considering various outcomes and their potential impacts.

Whether you're an HR professional, manager, or business owner, this session will equip you with the tools needed to promote a safe and respectful workplace culture.



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