General Protections in the Fair Work System

If you are unfamiliar with the General Protections jurisdiction or need to get up to speed on the latest case law developments and common issues, then this is the webcast for you.

General Protections in the Fair Work System

If you are unfamiliar with the General Protections jurisdiction or need to get up to speed on the latest case law developments and common issues, then this is the webcast for you.

Compensation payments with respect to general protections breaches are uncapped and defending these claims, which often raise complex issues for employers to navigate, can be an expensive and protracted process. It is therefore critical that employers understand what should be done to avoid such claims.

Hear from our experts as they provide an insight into the fascinating world of general protections claims. Using real cases from the Courts, this discussion will:

  • Explain how the jurisdiction works
  • Provide a case law update
  • Provide suggestions on how to avoid risks which can lead to claims; and
  • Explain how to protect your organisation against general protections breaches and claims.
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